
“How She Built This” – Enterprise Focus

“How She Built This” – Enterprise Focus

Innovate@UCLA hosted its first Women In Tech (WIT) virtual session of 2022, titled “How She Built This – Enterprise Focus” on February 3rd at 12PM PST. Watch the replay below:

How are today’s women executives inspiring your leadership journey?

Innovate@UCLA’s Women in Technology Taskforce examines this question and more at the first session of “How She Built This”. The session features women thought leaders from Lionsgate, UCLA, Sony Pictures, and iSpace.

The interactive session with live Q&A delves into the speaker’s personal stories of the challenges women face in balancing life, career advancement, and leadership development, as well as their strategies for success in overcoming obstacles that arose as they climbed the ladder.

This session explores:

  • Leveraging your network and building meaningful connections
  • Strategies and styles of leadership development
  • The power of mentorship and the next generation of leaders
  • Building a community of innovative thinkers